
Sunday, 26 April 2015

Story teller visit

On Friday, storyteller Tanya Batt came to school.  She was fantastic!  Kyro wrote a great description of her show.

Today the storyteller came to school.  She is interesting.  The first story she told us was about a boy who didn not like the wind.  The second story was about a boy who told his friends that his dad was a dragon catcher.  The last story was scary.  It was about a toy doll that was gross.  Kyro


  1. Wow, So this is the Storyteller. We have heard a lot about her in our house! Can't wait to see what other fun stuff Room 3 is up to. :)

  2. I am sorry I missed the Story Teller. She looks like she used lots of expression. I like the way you have told us not only what happened but what you thought. I am looking forward to seeing learning on your Blog Room 3. From Mrs Lindsay


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